Digital Sketchbook
Artist Post - Radya Timofey
December13, 2011

Eternal flame from Seroja Kleschev on Vimeo.


The artist that I researched for the final project of the semester is Radya Timofey. There wasn’t much information that I could find about Radya except about his most famous piece of work titled “Eternal Fire.”

Radya is a Russian 23 years old who creates portraits of unnamed soldiers from World War II by setting by creating outlines of people’s faces with bandages and then using Molotov cocktail to light them up to produce an image. The images that he creates are an interesting subject. The use of his material and meaning for the piece fit a long with each other like pieces of a puzzle. I thought it was a clever idea to place the canvas onto an abandoned building which was very reminiscent of WWII.

Raday’s piece of work relates to my project in terms of how we’re showing a perception about our subject matters for mine is my family and for his is the Soldiers but also the materials that we are using relate to caputre the essence of the artwork. The technique that he used to create his portraits was interesting because fire wouldn’t be a medium that one would typically use to create a piece of work but he did it.  


  1. http://awesomenator.com/weird/burning-portraits-made-with-a-molotovs-cocktails/
  2. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2053827/Artist-plays--creating-portraits-Russian-military-heroes-Molotov-cocktails.html
  3. http://vimeo.com/25629980
  4. http://t-radya.com/street/21/