Digital Sketchbook
Journal Entry no 9: Project 2 - Game Design Self Assessment Cont...
November 08, 2011

again at that point we haven’t made it clear which person was going to do what. As we progressed through the project, I took the initiative to work all of the character animations –that was the main reason I choose to design Sez Quest after all. Charles came up with ideas for the backgrounds. While we were working on our separate stuff we did voice our concerns/comments on each others art work. For example with the character animations, when I got stuck on what kinds of movements to make, I would ask Charles “what animation could I make for this character and so on.” I was thinking of giving him a character to work on just so that he would get a feel of what it’s like to work on animations but communication was lost towards and I didn’t want to expect him to have the stuff - and then not have it. During the last two weeks, we were just working on our stuff alone. There was one point where it was kind of hard to get in touch with him because there was information that I had that he needed to know about the backgrounds and he didn’t respond to my emails and also to get a copy of the most recent backgrounds that he created.

There are pros and cons to working with a partner. Starting off with the pros, having a partner allowed me to communicate my ideas about the project and then get immediate feedback from another perspective. Support from your partner was a good thing to have. Another good thing about working with a partner is sharing the work load. Though sometimes, it may have seemed like one was doing more than the other. Having a partner means that you can’t have a concrete idea yet, unless you’ve talked to them about it first. A lot or at least some communication is needed to follow through. Taking their ideas into consideration Having a partner seems like another thing that you have to worry about if you’re more independent while working..

As a whole, I think it was an interesting project work on. It has opened some possibilities for future careers if we were interested in the field of game design. With the help of the professors of each class, it could have been beneficial to the students in general if we had an idea what was going on in each class. Possibly making the creating the artwork of the game could have been a class by itself? There could be lessons on how to create the sprites for the game and implementing them in animation softwares/video for students who have never worked with animations before. It would have been nice to  have a class time where we could see how the art work is implemented in the coding and maybe touch up on how that works.