Sculpture Studio Spring 2012


Kat Eisenberg

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Project 1: Process

            Process art displays the ambiguous definition of art and is an example of how art can reach beyond the aesthetic. These particular works of art defines process as an action rather than a feature or characteristic of art, especially in the dynamic and three dimensional nature of sculpture.
            The idea behind process art is the emphasis on process. Process art is very diverse due to the different natures of process. The piece may be about the product as much as the process, in which case the process might yield accompanying information about the product. Other times, the product has not importance and is about the act of preparing or doing.

          Process art brings into question of the definition of art. Is art purely about aesthetics? With process art, there is somewhat of a shift. Throughout history, art has very much been about the end product which is typically displayed. The process was often hidden or masked, which was the skill which many desired. It was incredible for a human to have produced such a spectacular piece of art, and the question often asked was “how did they do it?” In this case, the “how” is stressed and is often the reasoning beyond the aesthetics.
            The concept of process might manifest itself in the piece through accumulation. Process can be taken into the context of repetitive action and process as a continuation or repetition. The process may be an ordinary task by itself, but when repeated, it is transformed into a process piece. Richard Serra’s piece Verb List is an example of a simple task such as writing a verb, turning into a compulsive list of actions. When viewed together, the audience can gauge the number and can begin to wonder about the artists intentions and mindset while doing so. Tara Donovan and Tom Friedman work a lot with mass accumulation as well. These artists work with everyday objects and accumulate them to create new forms, which echo the original. These types of process art are an exploration of materiality, trying to discover the limits and potentials of different materials. Tara Donovan chooses her materials before she fully works through the limits of them.
            Control of the materials is also stressed in process art. Through choosing a material and manipulation, the artist is able to leave their mark and display artistic control of the objects. This is part of stretching the limits of the materials.
Process may either be an act of addition or subtraction, which makes the term rather ambiguous. A digestion or deterioration can both be considered process art. The control of the materials in this manner is rather drastic. Process art is about the act or the doing, and not necessarily about the object.


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