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Project 2

Projection Proposal



I have chosen two possible sites on the same wall face of the campus center. I want to project my project on a smaller scale to prevent the work from appearing cinematic in its scale. I have chosen the wall along the ramp leading towards The Grind’s entrance because it is a heavy traffic area which means people will be moving through fairly quickly.  My projection is playing with the idea of public versus private space and shows me, the artist, getting ready by putting on makeup. This is a task that is performed alone in preparation of being seen, but not something most people watch others do. I am allowing others to look without my seeing them; my figure appears twice within the frame giving two separate vantage points of my body. It is my intention that the work will be interesting to people but slightly offsetting as they would be uncomfortable watching me pick and prod at my face for a long time as I go through my makeup routine. It is this reason that I have chosen this space because people can pass by without watching for a long time, or can stand to the side and watch for a longer period if they so desired, but they would be in the way of other people passing by and would eventually feel uncomfortable watching the private scene in public.


link to video clip