ART105.01 Image Denotation & Connotation

Denotative meaning: the literal face-value meaning of a sign
Connotative meaning: all the social, cultural, and historical meanings that are added to a sign's literal meaning

denotation: The photo presents a boy riding a bike.
connotation: For viewers, this could stir up their own personal experiences with learning how to ride a bike, childhood memories of playing outside, etc.

denotation: This photo shows a boy seated next to some type of scooter.
connotation: Seeing this photo could stir up thoughts of childlike innocence and carefree times.

denotation: This is obviously a digitally altered image of a clown walking down a street with people.
connotation: The digital manipulation of this image might symbolize standing out, being different, and having a sense of individuality.

denotation: The photo shows a man sitting on some steps next to a body of water.
connotation: The solitude of the man could present an essence of sorrow, tranquility, or thoughtfulness, depending on the viewer's interpretation and possibly their own personal experiences.

denotation: The photo presents a crowd of people gathered at times square.
connotation: Seeing this picture could bring up thoughts of New Years' Eve spent at times square, the hustle and bustle of city life, etc.

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