

"Sasquatch is the Native American word for large, hairy, apelike creatures that supposedly roam the woods of the Pacific Northwest and Canada. There have been hundreds of Sasquatch (or Bigfoot, as they are also known) sightings since the mid-nineteenth century. The majority of them have occurred in the Pacific Northwest, although sightings have been reported throughout the United States and Canada."


sasquatchheadshot   foot

Sasquatch (or Bigfoot) is a myth that, like almost all myths, some people believe in. The sasquatch isn't a too far fetched idea, however, since it is very similar to a gorilla or some sort of ape, just taller. While not quite the movie star Robin Hood is or as pretty as mermaids or fairies, the sasquatch is still a very familiar myth and is closer to reality than other myths and legends are.


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